5 Upgrades To Make To Your Kitchen

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Living in an apartment has plenty of benefits, but one of the downsides may just be that you are limited when it comes to changes you can make to the space. If the original structure of the apartment is less than fabulous, this can leave plenty to be desired during your time living there. This is especially true in the kitchen, as this is often a focal point of living in an apartment.

Luckily, you don’t have to dig out the contractor’s hat to remodel your apartment kitchen. Instead, these are 5 upgrades to make to your kitchen that will make a big impact without a huge effort.

Optimize The Flooring

Drinking-Wine-in-KitchenWithout realizing it, your flooring may have the biggest impact on the kitchen. Unfortunately, you may not have the option to tear up the laminate in order to put down your own new hardwood bamboo, so you’ll need to get creative instead. One method of creativity is adding kitchen mats around the sink and other high-traffic areas. Kitchen mats make a difference with the general appearance of the flooring, which can be perfect if your apartment has signs of wear from previous tenants.

Make Space

Open spaces will help to make your kitchen look larger than it really is. If you have doorways that separate your kitchen from other living spaces, consider removing them to open things up. You can also create storage in the kitchen to help eliminate clutter, which will help to keep your space clean and enjoyable.

Add What You Can

While you may be limited in things you can add, there are some easy changes that’ll look great in your kitchen. For example, a new mirror will help to make your space look larger and you can easily remove it when the time comes to move. A backsplash along the kitchen walls will also help to bring creativity and color to your space. These subtle additions can make a big difference in your apartment kitchen.

Change What You Can

In conjunction with adding new things, consider what you may be able to change entirely to make your kitchen more enjoyable. For example, a new faucet may help to provide stronger water pressure and light fixtures can help to brighten your space. Don’t forget to also change out those kitchen cabinet handles and knobs for alternative options that better fit your style. Complete the kitchen makeover with easy fixes that’ll liven your space.

Splash Some Paint

Finally, consider adding a layer of paint to your kitchen if allowed by the apartment complex. In many cases, you may be able to paint a wall, as long as you paint it back upon moving out. Spruce up the kitchen by adding some paint and then take a day to paint it back, and you’ll realize it was worth it during your time living there.

Your standard apartment kitchen may be drab. But with the 5 upgrades to make to your kitchen on this list, you can make a subtle change in your apartment that will have a big impact.

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