Staying Cool While Exercising In The Summer

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You’ve been working that body hard all winter and spring, so now it’s time to show it off in the summer! One great way to do that is to get outside and exercise outdoors. But while exercising outdoors brings plenty of vitamin D thanks to beautiful sunshine, the conditions also can be concerning due to dehydration and overheating. In order to stay safe, here are some tips for staying cool while exercising in the summer.

Cool Gear

Your body has likely changed quite a bit since last summer, so reward yourself for all of your hard work with some new workout gear. As you are purchasing your new clothing, look for wicking fabrics. Clothing made from this material will help to wick away sweat, while also keeping your body cool and dry. Keeping your core temperature is imperative for overall safety during the summer, so do yourself a favor and wear the proper clothing that will help you keep cool.

Stay Hydrated

Fuel up on as much water as you possibly can during the summer months, especially when working out outdoors. If you feel thirsty, then you’ve waited too long to drink. Instead, you should be drinking at least 8 cups of water per day. For those that exercise, that goes up to 12 cups. You need to stay hydrated if you want to stay safe, so be sure to drink plenty of water if you plan to be outside.

Woman-Drinking-WaterSeek Shade

When you do exercise outside, seek shade whenever possible. This may not be possible if you are playing soccer on an open field, but seek shade during the time that you rest. Even getting out of the sun for just a few minutes can help your body cool down.

Don’t Push The Limits

Exercising outdoors is great, but don’t overdo it. If your body is telling you to stop, then stop.

Keeping Your Skin Cool

Most people wear sunscreen to protect them from too much sun. However, sunscreen is also ideal for keeping your body temperature at a moderate level. Even if you want to work on your tan, put on a bit of lotion to keep cool during your summer workout.

Consider Air Quality

Those that live in beautiful countryside settings don’t have to worry about this one, but those that live in the city should consider air quality for outdoor exercise as well. Exercising during harsh air quality conditions will result in your body overheating, which may not be the case in regular conditions. Knowing the difference will be imperative for those that live in big city areas.

Chill Out!

Summer is the perfect time for you to get on your bathing suit and jump in the pool. If you are lucky enough to have a beach or ocean near by, then you can spend your time there, instead. Whatever your preference is, get to the water this summer and go for a dip to chill out after a long summer workout outside.

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