5 Quick Ways to Boost Your Confidence and Self-Esteem

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We know it’s good to have confidence and self-esteem, but where does it come from? The answer is simpler than you think–it comes from within! You determine how much confidence and self-esteem you have. It can be hard to muster it out of nowhere if you are unfamiliar with it. Here are several ways that you can break out of your old ways to kick-start your new way of thinking.

  1. List Your Strengths: We are our own worst critic. Our internal voice can tell us over and over the things that we don’t like about ourselves. Break that thought process by writing down the things that make you great, and post it in a visible area. List the things that you are good at, the things that you like about you physically, and the blessings that you have in your life. By reminding yourself of the positive, you shift your focus, and start to see the good that’s around you. Keeping your eyes and mind fixed on the good will help you remain in a positive mood, helping you stay confident with high self-esteem.
  2. Have Healthy Boundaries: No one is an island. We all interact with people around us, and we get to determine how much they affect us. There is nothing wrong with caring for others and doing for others, but you also have to stay true to yourself. If it’s no longer beneficial for you, then you need to speak up. Don’t let others walk over you knowingly or unknowingly. When you set boundaries, it gives you more freedom. You are free to take charge of your life, and reduces your stress-level. When you have control, then you have confidence in who you are. The first step is recognizing where you are sacrificing too much, and knowing where the line needs to be drawn.
  3. Take Pride In Your Appearance: This doesn’t mean you need to go out and buy a new wardrobe or talk to a plastic surgeon. Confidence does start with how you present yourself. Stand tall and take a little time to look presentable when going out of the house. Fix your hair, bathe, and wear well-fitting clothes. Showing that you care will tell other people that you have confidence in who you are.
  4. Let Go of Negative People: This can be one of the biggest challenges that people face. Negative people can be hard to spot, and once you do, it can be hard to push them away. Negative people are ones that bring you back to your old way of thinking. They bring out the worst in you, and make you feel terrible about yourself. Talk to them about the way they make you feel. By having an honest conversation, you can maybe show them how their actions and words affect others. If they are willing to change, then stick with them. There will be those who don’t want to see their negativity, and you will have to start to distance yourself from them for your own wellbeing.
  5. Help Someone: The best gift that you can get is giving to others. You will learn more about yourself and feel deeply rewarded by helping others. Keep your eye open to see where others need assistance. Before you jump in, always ask for permission. Sometimes people don’t want help. See what gifts and talents that you have that can benefit others, and give your help freely. Don’t help someone with ulterior motives. Help someone without expecting payment or help in return.

When you evaluate who you are, and why you believe what you believe in, then you can start to see where your boundaries start and end. Stand firm with your beliefs and remember who you are. It’s good for your mental health and stress levels. It’s ok to say no if it’s not healthy for you, but always be open to help others.

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