75 Ideas to Help You Relax
According to the dictionary relax is defined as:
Relax: re·lax /rəˈlaks/ Verb: make or become less tense or anxious
It sounds so simple when you read it, but you probably know that the stress of everyday life makes it much more difficult. In fact, there’s even a day dedicated to relaxation. August 15th is National Relaxation Day and if you’re in need of some ideas to help you relax – let this list be your guide.
Binge-watch a show you’ve been dying to see without any guilt.
- Go hiking in the mountains.
- Listen to a guided meditation before going to bed. (Insight Timer is a great app for this!)
- Plant a small herb garden on your patio or balcony.
- Grab your book and head outside to read.
- Go to yoga class and embrace the calm.
- Buy a journal and each day write down five things you are grateful for – nothing is too small or too big.
- Before you head into an important meeting take a few deep breaths and center yourself.
- Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while.
- Take a quick catnap.
- Watch a video you know will make you laugh.
- Practice saying no to things you don’t want to do.
- Enjoy a deep-tissue massage to relieve tension.
- Get up early and enjoy the quiet before everyone in your house is awake.
- Try learning a new skill/activity so that your focus is on the skill and not on things that are worrying you.
- Grocery shop for healthy foods for the week.
- Take a break from social media.
- Get a manicure and pedicure.
- Diffuse some calming essential oils in your home.
- Give someone an extra long hug.
- Plan a vacation.
- Go for a walk.
- Get up and watch the sunrise.
- Set your phone to silent at a certain time each night and then don’t look at it until the morning.
- Go for a bike ride in the country.
- Head to the beach for some ocean therapy.
- Listen to relaxing music.
- Take a warm shower.
- Dance it out.
- Take a drive somewhere new.
- Go for a swim.
- Pack a picnic full of your favorite foods.
- Play a game with your children.
- Spend the night stargazing.
- Give yourself a facial.
- Go fly a kite.
- Write down your worries and then throw them away.
- Go for coffee with a friend.
- Look at old photos.
- Do a random act of kindness for someone.
- Drink a glass of warm milk before bed.
- Slowly enjoy your favorite chocolate bar.
- Organize something in your home that’s been driving you crazy.
- Buy some pretty flowers at the local farmers’ market and display them where you can see them.
- Take a bath.
- Drink a glass of your favorite wine.
- Take a staycation.
- Spray your bedding with lavender linen spray.
- Color. (There are all sorts of adult coloring book available.)
- Drink green tea.
- Stretch for 3-5 minutes.
- Smile at others.
- Listen to an audiobook or podcast with the lights dimmed.
- Bake cookies for your neighbors.
- Do a puzzle or game that challenges your brain.
- Count backward from 100.
- Go to bed early.
- Don’t sweat the small stuff.
- Volunteer.
- Squeeze a stress ball.
- Create a zen garden.
- Create a mantra and say it to yourself when needed.
- Cry.
- Read a self-help book.
- Splash cold water on your face.
- Sing your favorite song out loud.
- Chew gum.
- Talk about your anxieties with someone.
- Exercise.
- Take a day off from work.
- Learn to knit or crochet.
- Visit a museum.
- Go to the library.
- Plan a night out with friends.
- Watch the sunset.
There are all sorts of ways that you can relax. Find things that work for you and try to incorporate them into your daily life so that stress and tension don’t build up, but instead are more limited and controlled.
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